Friday, February 12, 2016

The Boy

Recently I've got to hang out with Amir after a long time.
He suddenly call me up, out of nowhere, begging me to be free and go out for a lunch with him. So, even though it is Saturday, and I've just comeback from school feeling exhausted from this whole Road-Run event thing, I've agreed to meet him.

We went for a lunch and decided to go watch a movie. Life's is too busy, and it's hard to find a find comfortable enough to go to a movie with, that isn't you co-worker. Especially if you're single, right?
Then, out of nowhere, we decided to watch the film "The Boy".
Now, usually, I will never ever watch a horror movie in the cinema. I've hardly watch it at home. I'm a coward, easily scared by ghost, and will keep having flashback of the horror scene again and again for like, FOREVER.
But that day, I suddenly feel adventurous (haha!) and suggest that we watch a horror movie. I said I'm really a sissy when it comes to horror movies, but what the hell, let's watch one. Amir agreed, but told me that he is also easily scared and hardly watch one.

So, the movie started, and I was watching, thinking that 'hey, this wasn't so bad, it's not actually that scary. I should like keep calm and try to control it when those scary scenes come'.

And when I look beside me, this guy that I'm with, he was, almost lost in his shirt. Hahahaha. It was sooo funny and cute at the same time, like when we were little and afraid of something, we retreat into our shirt, hands and head, hoping that that makes us invincible, and the scary thing that we were afraid of, would not notice us.

I practically laugh in his face, at him. He scream louder than me, on those scary-slash-surprising scene. He actually kicked the chair in front of him! And I keep laughing and saying how fun it is to watch a scary movie with someone who is actually more afraid than me.

And what's making it really good, is that, Amir is totally fine with me laughing at him. He even admit it with ease, that yeah, he is afraid of those things. And I think it makes him more good and perfect as he is. Hey, it takes a lot of confidence to admit your flaw. And admitting it means you own it.

So I had a blast. It is so fun and refreshing feeling of watching horror movie without having to pretend to be brave and reminding yourself not to act scared when you are. Now, I totally have a perfect buddy to ask to watch a horror movie with.

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